
We have been named in a number of wills to receive  a cash contribution from the settlement of an estate.  Each time, we are honoured by the gift, and we deeply appreciate each contribution.  We recognize these gifts as a one-time donation that can help us in a number of ways:

  • During a particularly lean year, these donations
    make our core work possible
  • Sometimes it allows us to make something
    special happen - like generously filling the Christmas gift bags for people who come to the St. John's Kitchen dinner
  • It can help us to pay down a surprising capital expense that makes the day-to-day work a bit easier to fund
  • Or, it can help a fledgling new project like Bike Sharing, or the Psychiatric Outreach Project, or a community  based effort like Money Matters which is a Financial Inclusion project.

You can direct your bequest in a particular way, or you can allow us to direct it where it is needed most. 
Ideally, you could write us a note about the kinds of projects you appreciate the most, and we can direct the contribution towards the work that you most want to support. 

We thank you for your consideration of this donation option.
Please contact Stephanie for to talk about Wills and Bequests, by phone 519 743 1151 x110 or by emailing stephanie@theworkingcentre.org