Mayors' Dinner

The Working Centre Mayors' Dinner

Mayors’ Dinner - Saturday April 6, 2024

Click Here for details and tickets


Join Mayors Dorothy McCabe, Berry Vrbanovic, Jan Liggett and The Working Centre for the 35th Annual Mayors’ Dinner.

Take Courage, Take Care

How do we react to current uncertainties and anxieties afoot in our world, communities and hearts?

It takes courage to take care, to respond to risks and suffering.

It takes irrepressible hope.

The world we create, the future we choose can be rooted in practical actions.

Join us as we draw our hope into active responses.


The Mayors' Dinner has a 35-year history of recognizing and celebrating people who have made a significant contribution to our community.

The strength of the Mayors’ Dinner has always been our ability to come together in community, for community. 

  • We invite you to become involved by purchasing tickets, Sponsorship, or a Community table for your group, company or church. 

All proceeds from the Mayors’ Dinner support The Working Centre.

This year we are also hosting a silent auction. More details on the auction to come.

Donations are also welcome and appreciated:  Donate to The Working Centre. Thank you for your support.